Use Static Text Field to Embed PDF Instructions

Use Static Text Field to Embed PDF Instructions

Embedding PDF instructions in a document is often considered to be better than text instructions for several reasons:

  1. Visual appeal: PDF instructions can include images, graphics, and other visual aids that make them more engaging and easier to understand.
  2. Formatting consistency: PDF instructions retain their formatting, making them easier to read and understand, regardless of the device or software used to view them.
  3. Interactive elements: PDF instructions can include interactive elements such as hyperlinks, buttons, and form fields that allow for more interactive and dynamic instructions.
  4. Portability: PDF instructions can be easily shared and viewed on a variety of devices and platforms, making them more accessible to a wider range of users.
  5. Document security: PDF instructions can be secured with password protection, digital signatures, and other security measures, ensuring that confidential information is protected.

In summary, embedding PDF instructions provide a visually appealing, consistent, interactive, portable, and secure format for delivering instructions and information.


  1. Save the PDF for public viewing in your file destination

  2. Navigate to Slayte select ADD FIELD then select Static Text form builder option

  3. Click on Code Review


  1. Paste the code
**<iframe src="<PdfFileDestinationUrl>/preview" width="840" height="580"></iframe>**  

*Ensure you have changed PdfFileDestinationUrl to the PDF URL

  1. Click on Code Review

The link will automatically turn to an embedded PDF, please see the sample below.


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