Configure Access Control

Configure Access Control

  1. Under the Education Credits Program select View

  2. Select the Settings tab

  3. Select the Edit button at the end of the page

  4. Configure how the attendees should gain access to claim credits

  • Claimable From/Until - Set start and end times for the duration the credits can be claimed
  • User Restriction's default is Anyone can claim no restriction will be imposed on whom can participate is credit claiming
  • Custom Restrictions will impose restrictions based on various criteria, including but not limited to Impexium users:
  1. If user is member of group X, they can submit
  2. User must be a member of group X.
  3. User must not be member of group X
  4. Impexium: Individual Category
  5. Impexium: Active Membership
  6. Impexium: Committee position
  7. Impexium: Geographic Area
  8. Impexium: Membership Type
  9. Impexium: Relationship
  10. Impexium: Custom Field.
  11. Claimer must have attended Impexium event
  12. Claimer must have attended Impexium session
  13. Claimer must have registered for an Impexium session
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