Call Configuration: Communication Settings
Updates in the system can trigger notifications, to Administrators, Reviewers, and Submitters. Per call, the administrator can configure how frequently these notifications should be delivered.
Submitter Communication
Submitters can be notified about the following events:
- Submission has been received.
- Submission Withdrawn.
- Their submission was rejected or accepted
Reviewer Notifications
Reviewers can be notified about the following events:
- They have been assigned reviewer for a call.
- A submission has been assigned to them (either automatically or manually).
According to both "Submitter and Reviewer Notifications" settings, they can either receive these notifications:
- Instant - Right after the event happened
- Off - No notifications should be delivered
Also, Administrators can enable/disable these notifications at a Call level or per submission/review phase basis when using multiple phases.
Call Level
From the desired call, go to Settings from the top bar
Click Edit on the right-top corner
Scroll down to Submission Settings or Review Settings as needed
In the Communication field, check/uncheck the box next to Enable Submitter Notifications or Enable Reviewer Notifications
Click Save in the right top corner.
Phase Level
From the desired call, go to Template from the top bar
Next to the phase to update, click Edit
Scroll down to the Communication with Submitters or Communication with Reviewers section, and click the click checkbox Override call configuration for this phase
(Optional) You can enable E-mail blind-copyby checking the box. A blind/bcc-copy specific e-mail address for any event happening in this phase. In the field, separate each email address with a comma. Whoever receives the original notification will not know that these email addresses also received the notification.
In the Event Communication section, check/uncheck the type of notification to enable/disable for either Submitter or Reviewer.
You can leave Default for a generic/ system default generated message to be used for this notification, or you can personalize the message to use by clicking Add New Templateor selecting an existing one from the drop-down menu
- Once agreed with the configuration, click Save in the right top corner.
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